Jan 12Liked by Madeleine

This really resonated with me. I can’t handle the thought of my children being too hot or cold. I’m either running after them with a coat or giving them an icy drink to prevent them from over heating.

Now, you may be assuming that I have three very young children but they are in fact 25, 14 and 12 so you can imagine how my neurotic temperature related tendencies go down…

Also, I’m in the UK where the weather is never very extreme anyway. I’m not neurotic about all areas of their life so that’s something I guess!

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It's so funny that this persists even when your kids get older! I'll tell Olive to settle in, because I won't stop pushing sweaters on her for at least a other decade or two 😂

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Jan 12Liked by Madeleine

And the cold porridge Olive used to like.

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Yessss, the cold porridge! 😂

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Jan 13Liked by Madeleine

You have a gift for capturing the almost crippling love of motherhood in the absolutely mundane (coats! Ankles!). I also run cold. So cold. And I’m also running after my children with hoodies when it gets cold. You read that right, hoodies. Because “cold” here is a frigid 52 F (11 C, for your non-US readers). 😂 it’ll be 48F before school and my sons will be asking to wear shorts and tank tops. I’ll be asking them to put on sweats and hoodies. I always grab their hoodies. I always have a change of warmer clothes. This couldn’t be more unnecessary where I live, but you’re right. Its love.

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Writing this from our cold snap here in Alberta, where it's been around - 45° C with windchill! 😂

The only good part about this weather is that there are no fights about warmer clothing, lol

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That’s so cold I can’t even comprehend it. I don’t understand how you’re even functioning. 😂

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